Registration Open for Term 1 2017

Dear Parents and Students

The long waited Term 1 2017 Chinese Class updates are here. Please register your class via the form link below. All information is stated in the form.

Please note that from this year, our language classes are managed by Cairns School of Chinese Inc. All students will have access to Language Perfect – Chinese subject academic subscription. The programme is proved by many schools over the world to be one of the best online language learning tools and we are very excited to introduce it to our school. As Cairns School of Chinese will soon become the official partner of Language Perfect, our subscription fees are heavily discounted.

All enrolled students will also have access to Google’s G-Suite for Education. Some of the exciting features include Google Classroom, unlimited space of Google Drive, Google Docs, Gmail and Google Groups, etc.

We look forward to seeing you in our classes this year.

Please click the registration link