Principal’s Welcome

Dear Parents, Carers, Students and Friends of Cairns School of Chinese Community,

Cairns School of Chinese is a recognised non-profit Australian education and training entity based in Cairns, Queensland. It started as a Chinese language school in 2012 (formerly known as My Learning Club). It has now developed into a school that offers core subjects in both English and Chinese languages to suit the needs of the community.

As a multi-cultural learning community, we are focused on a holistic approach to education seeking to enhance the educational, emotional, cultural and social development of all learners. We model our teaching and learning on contemporary practices that challenge each individual learner to achieve their full potential.

For students who seek higher education in China, we also offer assistance in university scholarship application for eligible applicants who have successfully passed the globally recognised HSK and HSKK tests (Level 4 & above).

We have a broad range of Chinese cultural, sporting and arts opportunities for students to become involved in. Our teaching and support staff work tirelessly to provide a positive learning environment so that all students have the opportunity to make a positive contribution to society in their daily lives.

I look forward to meeting you in person should you have further inquiries.

Mr Shixiang Chen
School Principal